Saturday, 18 August 2012

CarJumpers Entry to Competition

No they do not jump cars, but they do jump a lot, they are our school JUMP JAM crew!! The CarJumpers just recently entered a jump jam competition on YOUTUBE! Lead JumpJamer Kate said "We tried really hard and had heaps of fun". Kate has told me about the training routines. Two days a week the CarJumpers practise, every time they practise they are perfecting the steps to different songs and try to make sure they smile ALLLLLLLL the time! But even though they go through this intense training the CarJumpers loooove jumpjam and are very excited about entering the competition.
Follow this link to see the CarJumpers in action!"

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Just Ask advice column

Beanlov123 has written in to ask for advice with a bullying problem. This is how Room 12 replied...

My advice is to not retaliate, walk away and talk to a teacher. If the teacher does something but they are still carrying on teasing you, ignore them and block them out.
From Tylah

Walk away and tell a teacher. Don't make a fuss you will look weak and get bullied more (stay strong).
From William

You should deal with this problem by talking to the person who is teasing you and say "I don't like what you're doing" and "How would you like it if someone did this to you". If they don't listen tell a teacher you trust or a good friend.
From Morgan

I suggest that first you try to ignore them and maybe they will get bored and stop teasing. If that doesn't work try telling an adult that you trust and I'm sure that it will work out.  :)
By Amelia