Saturday, 18 August 2012

CarJumpers Entry to Competition

No they do not jump cars, but they do jump a lot, they are our school JUMP JAM crew!! The CarJumpers just recently entered a jump jam competition on YOUTUBE! Lead JumpJamer Kate said "We tried really hard and had heaps of fun". Kate has told me about the training routines. Two days a week the CarJumpers practise, every time they practise they are perfecting the steps to different songs and try to make sure they smile ALLLLLLLL the time! But even though they go through this intense training the CarJumpers loooove jumpjam and are very excited about entering the competition.
Follow this link to see the CarJumpers in action!"

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Just Ask advice column

Beanlov123 has written in to ask for advice with a bullying problem. This is how Room 12 replied...

My advice is to not retaliate, walk away and talk to a teacher. If the teacher does something but they are still carrying on teasing you, ignore them and block them out.
From Tylah

Walk away and tell a teacher. Don't make a fuss you will look weak and get bullied more (stay strong).
From William

You should deal with this problem by talking to the person who is teasing you and say "I don't like what you're doing" and "How would you like it if someone did this to you". If they don't listen tell a teacher you trust or a good friend.
From Morgan

I suggest that first you try to ignore them and maybe they will get bored and stop teasing. If that doesn't work try telling an adult that you trust and I'm sure that it will work out.  :)
By Amelia

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Carterton School Olympics

30.7.12 Day 1
The first Carterton School Olympics day is here at last!! Today we will be splitting up into our Whanau Groups and heading to our assigned classrooms. Each classroom had a country, for example the class I went to was Sweden so we coloured in the Swedish flag and made headbands that were blue and yellow (the colours of the Swedish flag). Ms Taia's (my teacher) country is Jamaica. Here are some photos of what she did in her class...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


This term in Room 12 are studying the ancient Greek Olympics as the Olympics are coming up soon. We decided to learn about ancient Greek vases
pictures below are from the early stages of the making of these cool vases

This is Luna .L and her Ancient Greek vase that is coming along.

steps to making the start of a Greek vase:

1:blow up a balloon
2:make a base for your vase and tape it on with masking tape
3:get strips of news paper and glue them on with masking tape (Luna L has just started doing this)
4:Now make a top or rim for your vase and tape it with masking tape
5:Now glue more strips of news paper you should have 5 to 8 layers
6:leave to dry all over
7:paint with any patten you like

enjoy making your Greek vase

look at were we are up to now making our vases

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Maori Language Week

It's Maori Language Week, Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori,  so Carterton School is concentrating on learning the Maori Language. The younger classes are just leaning the basics e.g Hello = Kia Ora. The older classes are learning the names of food, questions and answers and names of objects e.g How are you? = Ke te pehi koe?, I am good = Ke te Pai, apple juice = aporo wai. Also the Jump Jam team have been practising a new song called Ruamoko (the earthquake god) to add to their learning of Te reo.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Term 3 in Room 12

Term 3
The holidays are over so we are welcomed by TERM 3. This term we are continuing our focus on science but this time instead of Chemistry we are doing the Living World and The Physical World. In The Living World we will learn about plants, animals and the environment and in The Physical World we will learn about things like electricity, forces and motion. This term we are also having a science fair, and no there aren't any merry go rounds. The science fair is when students pick their own science investigation that they present to there peers and whanau. The Olympics is coming up as well so to celebrate we are having TWO Olympics days. Everybody gets put into 16 whanau groups. A whanau group is a group that includes two students from every class. Each whanau group gets a country. On the first Olympics day the whanau groups get together and make a symbol to represent their country, some item of uniform they all have, a flag and everyone has to be able to say hello in their countries language. On the second day there is a opening ceremony where all the whanau groups march in and listen to speeches from the Queen (Our Principle Mrs Woollard) and the Chair Person (Senior Team leader Mr Ballantyne). Then the Jump Jam crew show us a performance. They do dances to Chocolatte and the new song Ruamoko. Jump Jam leader Kate says "The song Chocolatte is really energetic and Ruamoko brings us back to our Maori culture."After that the representative from each country comes up, shows the flag and says hello in their language. NOW THE GAMES BEGIN! By that I mean that we are also going to have Olympic Games. At the moment I am not sure what events we are having but last time we did this there was discus throw, equestrian (two people running through a course like a horse) and running race.
By Amberleigh

reading challenges

Firstly ARC then RTAP and now ABC. This term we have an awesome new author reading challenge, in this challenge we have to read our way through the alphabet using the letter of the author's last name. This challenge is  not all about reading tons and tons of pages but completing 26 books by 26 different authors.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Science Puzzle

C X N T U Y B E M M M C J D D 
B R J O L Q C G R V E O M I K 
N O O X T N K O N R G M I U X 
U M N S E R C J O U X P N J K 
B S K I S O E E H A A E O Y G 
K H C A N C N T F A P T I F U 
L S E N F U O N R W L I T I O 
D Q E X O J T U N A A T O F S 
F L V I D E O M N L C I L O T 
L F N Q Q D A L N T B O P Y D 
S W I E V R E T N I R N X N B 
E V D G S X D V N L Z Y E Z Z 
S E T T I N G T H E S C E N E 
G G S R S H H D K N E Z J K N 
K D C G S V I A I I D C V X J 

For Solution Click this Link Puzzle Solution

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Jorja interview

Jorja science interview
Q.what do you enjoy in science ?
A.making things explode
Q.what are you doing in class for science?
A.we have done most of our experiments already
Q.what do you looking forward to learning about?
A.learning about space.
Q.what do you think your doing for the science fair?
A.its confidential
By Bianca 


Ryan Science Interview

What do you enjoy doing in science?
Making things explode

What are you doing in class for science?
Making carbon dioxide and mixing chemicals

What do you think your doing for the science fair?
If I tell you, you might take my idea!

By Amberleigh

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Video Competition Winners

Bianca and Olivia won the Primary category in a recent Video making competition. Here they are with other prizegetters at the Awards ceremony.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Mr O'connel Interview

Mr O'Connell Science interview

What do you want Carterton School to be doing in science?
I want all the children learning how to investigate, asking questions, observing what happens and enjoying doing experiments.

What are you looking forward to teaching your class in science?
I look forward to teaching my class all about air, what happens when hot air cools down and what happens when a candle burns.

What is your favourite thing to do in science?

By Bianca and Amberleigh


Welcome to "Setting The Scene" brought to you by Amberleigh and Bianca!
Setting the scene is carterton schools newsletter, we bring you all the new updates about carterton school life. Our blog will include pictures, videos and articles of all things awesome at carterton school.